Medication Administration Record: The text displayed here is the report header. This report header can be customized in the Layout tab when generating the MAR Custom Report. Patient: Generates your report for the non-retail patient specified. Pharmacy: The name, and telephone number for the pharmacy. Med Cond: The patient’s medical conditions, as set in the Clinical tab of the Patient Folder. If ‘No Known Medical Conditions’ is selected in the Clinical tab, it will be indicated here. If no conditions are set in the Clinical tab, and ‘No Known Medical Conditions’ is not selected, this box will be blank. Conditions flagged as ‘Private’ do not print. Diet: The patient’s diet, as set in the Clinical tab of the Patient Folder. It a diet is not set in tie Clinical tab, this row will not print on the report. Diets that are flagged as ‘Private’ also do not print. Medication Box: The prescription information is shown in this area. Each prescription has its own box. Each box includes the following details about the prescription: Drug, Strength, Rx#, DIN, Qty, SIG, etc. Medication Administration Grid:  This section allows healthcare workers to sign off on medications administered to the patient at a specific date or time. The report period is specified using the Start Date field in the report criteria. Each day within the period is printed in the columns across the page. Allergies: The patient’s allergies, as set in the Clinical tab of the Patient Folder. If ‘No Known Medical Allergies’ is selected in the Clinical tab, it will be indicated here. If no allergies are set in the Clinical tab and ‘No Known Medical Allergies’ has not been selected, this box will be blank. Allergies flagged as ‘Private’ do not print. Notes: Patient notes that are flagged to Print in the Notes tab of the Patient Folder. The notes are listed from oldest to most recent. Notes flagged as Private do not print. If the patient does not have notes, this box will be blank. Medication Box Rows: Section where the administration times will print.  Aditional blank medication box rows can be added in the Layout tab when generating the report.

MAR Custom Report

Pharmacies have the ability to provide a customizable Medication Administration Record (MAR) that can be tailored to the specific wants and needs of any nursing home or long-term care (LTC) facility. This report can be generated for any non-retail prescription and will list all prescriptions that are flagged as active on a patient’s profile in PharmaClik Rx.

Note: The MAR Custom report is for non-retail group patients only.

Report Criteria

There are a number of report options your pharmacy can select to customize the MAR Custom report to meet the specific needs of your pharmacy. Select one of the following tabs to learn more:

Sample Report

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